Hey my loves!! How are you?! :-) I hope you're doing well! I wanted to ask you a question, kinda make you think for a moment.... what do you want? What do you want out of life, relationships, love, yourself, others? What do you want? Iyanla Vanzant (one of my favorites) wrote, "Very often, we only have chaos in our lives because we don't know what we want. By default, uncertainty attracts uneasiness. " This statement was very powerful to me because it spoke to the uneasiness I was feeling at that present moment. I did not know what I wanted... out of ANYTHING! I had a clue or an inkling but nothing solid. I needed to figure out what I wanted and make it plain, to myself and others. By me not knowing how to or what to do to figure out exactly what I wanted, caused so much confusion in my life. Unnecessary arguments and unnecessary headaches. I had to take the time to sit down and figure out what I wanted. Grant...
Giving love and sweetness