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Showing posts from May, 2014

Major Love, Volume I

Hello my loves!! Today I want to talk about relationships. You know, love/romantic relationships. Aren't they fun?! Um, yeah!! Well, I believe that fun is one of the main requirements. The beginning of a relationship can be tricky. There's so much to much to feel. *Sigh* Today I wanted to focus on communication. Side note: I believe communication is VITAL, it can mean life OR death for a relationship. Alright, so communication is the key that will set the tone of the relationship. There is a real art to this communicating thing. Most times we don't know how to talk to one another to effectively communicate what we think or how we feel. I found this guideline to be very helpful to help me communicate or talk things out... 1. Only ONE person talks at a time. (No interrupting, can't hear the other person talk if you are) 2. Really listen to the person speaking, when they finish you say, "So, what I'm hearing you say is...". (This lets them know tha...

Mirror Mirror On the Wall...

Hey loves! Ever been in a situation where you thought, "Man, I'm tired of dealing with this same old situation, tired of getting angry about the same old things, I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired!" I believe we have all been there at some point in time. It would have been easier if the person/situation would just cooperate and do what I wanted them to do! (lol in a perfect world)There was this one time, I remember thinking, "This person is so stubborn, every time I suggest something they shoot it down...every time I try something different, there's always a complaint. Why can't they just see things from a different perspective?!" It wasn't until I came across this message, When God can't get you to look in the mirror at you, he'll send people in your life who mirror you, that my eyes were open like never before.    I was like, "Woah, I CAN'T be stubborn like so and so, I'm flexible, aren't I??"  I reali...

Could it be ME?!

Ever felt like, "I'm always arguing with so and so" or "Every time I get near her/him, I just get angry and can't control my attitude". I used to wonder why I was always "going off" on someone. Was I really THAT angry? Was I really telling it like it was? My excuse was always, " Oh, Honey, they NEEDED to be told! They were asking for it!" I later realized that I was just acting off of emotion and not being very wise. I came across a bible verse Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. I wanted to be wise! lol There are going to be times where we feel angry or upset and want to release those emotions by saying a lot of words. Whenever I feel that I am about to get to that point there are two steps that I take to help me to focus on the bigger picture 1. I take a deep breath and close my eyes ( may sound cliche' but it works, you'll see in later posts how important breathing is!) 2....

First Post Excitement!!

Hey loves!! I woke up one morning and decided to create a blog, lol, Well, it was really the realization that my Facebook posts were a little too long and too deep and random. I felt like I needed to find a different way to express my thoughts,feelings, etc. to the world. Since this is my first post, I 'll introduce myself... I'm La'Shon but my friends and loved ones call me Shonie. I like to think that I'm S assy. H onest. O ptimistic. N urturing. I nspiring.and E mpowering! See? SHONIE! Get it?! A few months ago, I began this journey, a journey of self-discovery. I wanted to get to know myself...really get to know myself. Working in the mental health field has opened my eyes to the reality of brokenness. Many are broken because of so many different factors (factors that I'll discuss in later posts). I decided that I wanted to do all that I could to take care of ME because taking care of yourself first, my friends, is the only way you'll be able to take care o...