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Mirror Mirror On the Wall...

Hey loves! Ever been in a situation where you thought, "Man, I'm tired of dealing with this same old situation, tired of getting angry about the same old things, I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired!" I believe we have all been there at some point in time. It would have been easier if the person/situation would just cooperate and do what I wanted them to do! (lol in a perfect world)There was this one time, I remember thinking, "This person is so stubborn, every time I suggest something they shoot it down...every time I try something different, there's always a complaint. Why can't they just see things from a different perspective?!" It wasn't until I came across this message, When God can't get you to look in the mirror at you, he'll send people in your life who mirror you, that my eyes were open like never before.  I was like, "Woah, I CAN'T be stubborn like so and so, I'm flexible, aren't I??"  I realized that I was always placing blame on others and not taking a moment to ask myself why I wasn't the one that had to change? That stubbornness that I could see so clearly in them, I could not/would not see it in myself (Not looking in the mirror). I was wondering why I was constantly becoming angry about the same situation over and over and over again. It was because there was something I needed to see; I needed to look in the mirror and see stubborn Shonie. I had not seen that side before, or maybe I wasn't trying to see it. I began to take a look at myself and realized that there was some stubbornness in me that I definitely needed to work on. I took the time to figure out what to do and how to combat my stubbornness. I figured out how to let go and how to be open to change, even if it was the total opposite of what I currently had in mind. Now, I'm not saying that you have to always change your mind about things or always let someone's opinion make a decision for you. It's o.k. to have your own thoughts about things but don't become so headstrong that you can't/won't allow someone else's ideas about something influence your own ideas. Maybe stubbornness isn't your thing, you might not be stubborn at all. But, think about a situation or person that you constantly have an issue with, could it be that you're a little like that person? Could it be that the very thing that angers you about them/it is present somewhere in YOU? Hmmm. Introspection is the key, we must constantly look at ourselves before we place blame on others. I had to do my work and I'm STILL doing the work, I can say that I'm better. Now, it's your turn! Get to work y'all!!




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