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Birthday Blessing

Hello my loves!!! Today is my birthday YAY!!! I'm super excited I just love birthdays and I especially LOVE mine!! I'm truly thankful that God allowed me to see my 24th birthday! From 23 to 24, I can honestly say that I have done more growing (mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) than the last 5 years of my life. So, last week I went to the doctor for my annual check up, everything went well until my doctor discovered lumps in both my breasts. Initially I was like, WAIT check again, maybe it's something've said before they were lumpy. But this time she said she felt something a little different and wanted me to go to the hospital to get a sonogram. I was like here I am...23 and I have to get extra stuff done to make sure that I'm o.k., poor me! Then I thought Oh no! Not poor me! Strong me! Here I am already receiving bad news from myself! Right then and there I said a prayer that everything WILL be alright and that I will receive good news. After I said Amen, I made sure that the only thoughts that entered my mind were positive ones! No more negative!! A few days later, I went to the hospital to get my sonogram done (still in good spirits), the nurse there said, "I don't see any masses, girl I think that's just how you're made!". But I still had to get the official word back from the doctor. So the weekend goes by and on Monday as I'm leaving work I check my voice messages and I have one from the doctor...EVERYTHING WAS ALL GOOD!!! I was so excited!! I really already knew that I would be receiving this news, I was just waiting for the doctors to catch up lol. I still have to go back within a month just to check everything again but ain't God good?!! I'm so grateful because this could be a post about an illness but God didn't see fit!! I'm writing this because I want everyone, especially my African American women to know how important it is to maintain your health by check ups. You are not too young to start doing self breast examinations ( I do them once a month). It's very important to know what going on in these bodies of ours and to treat our bodies well by eating right (I'm still working on that), exercising (working on that too, lol), and making sure that our mental health is on track. I was a little nervous to tell this but my cousin/bestie (who's a male) told me that I needed to tell it and be an open book because I made him think more seriously about his health. If I can cause you to think about it, then maybe you'll do something because every action starts with a thought (normally, Ha!) Well, I'm off to enjoy my day!! Til next time... Live well, Love hard, Laugh harder, and go to the doctor!




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