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Oh, September...

Hello my loves!! How have y'all been? I hope everything has been going well! I've been busy, school has started and I'm also doing internship this semester so I've been doing some running around lol. I'm also working on a project that I can't wait to share with y'all! September is one of my favorite months because I love the feel of the weather outside while it's transitioning from summer to fall. Here in the south, September is not too cool and its still warm enough for you to leave your jacket home and still get away with wearing sandals. September is also Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. This disease causes the red blood cells to take the form of a sickle (a farming tool). These sickle shaped blood cells can cause clots and decreased oxygen to the body, and this can cause major harm.  This disease mostly affects individuals of African descent (and other cultures) and can go undetected until it's too late. It's very important that you are tested for the trait/disease. Sickle Cell Disease is inherited from two parents who either have the sickle cell trait or from one parent who has the disease. I found out that I had the Sickle Cell Trait when I was 17 years old. My mother had my siblings and I tested for the disease because it was discovered that my father had the disease. We did not discover that my father had this disease until after he unexpectedly passed away. We were all devastated by this and this is why I believe it's so important to get tested. Thankfully none of us have the disease because my mother has normal hemoglobin. So, since the age of 17, I have been doing my own little research on Sickle Cell ( knowledge is power! LOL). Anytime that I had/have a chance to share any information that I've learned about this disease...I share! I encourage each of you to get tested and know you status and where you stand as it pertains to this disease and while you're at it lol get tested for everything else! It's vital to know your health status so that you can make conscious decisions and plans for your life. Because I know that I have the trait, there are precautions that I must take (my choice in the man I'm going to marry lol) to ensure that my future children and myself live a quality life. To learn more about this disease and even help with the funding for research for a cure, visit this website. (No, I'm not getting paid for advertising, I just found this site a few years ago and have participated in events with this organization lol).  Well until next time loves... Live well. Love hard. Laugh Harder. and Get Tested!


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