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Hi! My name is: Procrastination!

Hello my loves!! How have y’all been?! OMG!! Got so much to talk about and so much on my mind that I need to get out! So, I know I’ve been M.I.A. for a while and let me tell you why. I’m. A. PROCRASTINATOR!! Ugh!! Sometimes I get so frustrated with myself because of it. I always say what I’m “going” to do when it comes to blogging and vlogging but I rarely actually ever put action behind it. Isn’t that something? I love to vlog and blog but I tend to make excuses as to why I'm not doing it. I would say,” I’ll do it later or tomorrow”. I would tell my friends that I would vlog and blog more often but would never get around to it. I would go to work every day and then come home and work on a few projects and neglect my creative side. For a while, 2 years actually, I found myself saying, “Oh, I’m definitely going to make time to write this or vlog that”. I was starting to sing that same old, “I’ll get to it” song in my head when it came to me blogging and vlogging. It wasn’t until recently that I decided that enough was enough. Either I’m going to do this or I’m going to keep talking about doing it. LOL I was real life starting to irritate myself. Why was I talking about this so much if I wasn’t going to make time to do it? Well, I’ve come up with a few reasons why I think my procrastination has gotten me to this point and I want to share these reasons with you so that we can get off our butts and check ourselves together!
Reason 1: Time Management. Duhhh. I’ve talked about this before and this is a real struggle for me. I let time get away from me. Instead of setting aside time to vlog/blog, I would say that I would do it later but would NEVER get around to it.  I believe that CREATING time to vlog/blog will help me in the long run. I will literally place blog/vlog on my “to-do” list and check it off as I go.
Reason 2: Too much talking. Ugh. I really got tired of saying I was going to do this and was going to do that. I’ve learned to stop talking so much about what I want to do and just do it. I know that might sound cliché but I feel a lot better now that I’m actually typing this blog instead of talking about it.
Reason 3: No specific goals. I didn’t have any specific goals in regards to my blog/vlog. I would kind of just do things on a whim. I’m finding out that this does not work for me at all. I need to have a clear goal and plan in mind so that I’ll take the proper steps to execute it.
If y’all find yourselves doing any or all of the above, please check it and correct it. We will never reach our full potential if we always use “tomorrow or later” as an excuse. Like some of the old folks say, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” I don’t want to lose this creative spark that I have so I must nurture it. In order to keep it, I must use it. So let’s get busy and start doing the things we love NOW. Not later.
It feels so good to be back. J  As always, Live well. Love hard. Laugh harder.




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