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Showing posts from 2014

Oh, September...

Hello my loves!! How have y'all been? I hope everything has been going well! I've been busy, school has started and I'm also doing internship this semester so I've been doing some running around lol. I'm also working on a project that I can't wait to share with y'all! September is one of my favorite months because I love the feel of the weather outside while it's transitioning from summer to fall. Here in the south, September is not too cool and its still warm enough for you to leave your jacket home and still get away with wearing sandals. September is also Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Sickle Cell Disease  is an inherited blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. This disease causes the red blood cells  to take the form of a sickle (a farming tool). These sickle shaped blood cells can cause clots and decreased oxygen to the body, and this can cause major harm.  This disease mostly affects individuals of African descent (and other cultures) and ...

What you say?!

Hello my loves! How are y'all doing? I hope that you've been working on yourselves! Practice makes perfect! Well not perfect, let's just say practice helps you get better. Have you ever listened to yourself? I mean really listen to what you say and how you feel after you've said it?  Did you feel accomplished, empowered, or icky? I came across this quote on twitter, "If you really want to understand your secret/silent thoughts,  pay attention to what comes out of your mouth, thought-word-deed is the process." I believe that this quote came from my fav,  Iyanla Vanzant.  This quote caused me to think...if I really want to know my true intentions behind anything that I did,  I needed to pay attention to what came out of my mouth, because what comes out of my mouth is what I've been thinking. Sometimes we (humans) like to think that we are actually kinder and more authentic that what we truly are and this is because we don't experience ourselves. I'm ...

What do you want?!

Hey my loves!! How are you?! :-) I hope you're doing well! I wanted to ask you a question,  kinda make you think for a moment.... what do you want? What do you want out of life,  relationships,  love,  yourself,  others? What do you want? Iyanla Vanzant (one of my favorites) wrote,  "Very often,  we only have chaos in our lives because we don't know what we want. By default,  uncertainty attracts uneasiness. " This statement was very powerful to me because it spoke to the uneasiness I was feeling at that present moment.  I did not know what I wanted... out of ANYTHING! I had a clue or an inkling but nothing solid. I needed to figure out what I wanted and make it plain, to myself and others. By me not knowing how to or what to do to figure out exactly what I wanted,  caused so much confusion in my life.  Unnecessary arguments and unnecessary headaches.  I had to take the time to sit down and figure out what I wanted.  Grant...

Birds of a feather

Hello loves!!!! It's been such a long time!! I feel like I haven't blogged in forever!! I have been so busy!! School, work, and practicum this summer kept me very busy! I have to figure out a good time for me to blog and actually do it (time management, I need to work on that lol).   Today I want to talk about your space and the people you allow in it. Over the past few weeks, I've done some reflecting over many different topics and one of them was my space and who I allow in my space. Now, I'm not talking about people I'm around at work or at school, but people who I actually have a choice in whether or not I hang with them. There are people who motivate you and bring out the best in you, there are those who only feed the negative parts in you (yes, we all have some negativeness about ourselves; gossiping, hating, bullying, etc. those parts.), and those that bring nothing out of you...they aren't helping or hurting so there's no growth.  It's very impor...

Birthday Blessing

Hello my loves!!! Today is my birthday YAY!!! I'm super excited I just love birthdays and I especially LOVE mine!! I'm truly thankful that God allowed me to see my 24th birthday! From 23 to 24, I can honestly say that I have done more growing (mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) than the last 5 years of my life. So, last week I went to the doctor for my annual check up, everything went well until my doctor discovered lumps in both my breasts. Initially I was like, WAIT check again, maybe it's something've said before they were lumpy. But this time she said she felt something a little different and wanted me to go to the hospital to get a sonogram. I was like here I am...23 and I have to get extra stuff done to make sure that I'm o.k., poor me! Then I thought Oh no! Not poor me! Strong me! Here I am already receiving bad news from myself! Right then and there I said a prayer that everything WILL be alright and that I will receive good news. After I sai...

Slow Down...Moving Too Fast

Hey my loves!! I've been super busy lately. Planning parties and schoolin' and such, it's birthday season in my family. All of our birthday's are in June and July so you can imagine all of the running around we do during this time, lol. I missed blogging so I'm back lol!!! I wanted to write about rushing things. I've learned so many lessons about rushing things that need time to grow. Sometimes we put time restraints on things that don't necessarily need them. When I was in high school I already had my life planned out. I said I was going to graduate college in 2012 (which I did), I also said that I was going to be engaged or married by the time I was 24 and have my first child by 26. Well, I'll be 24 in a few days and I'm neither married nor engaged lol. Now it is great to have a plan because you can use that as a guideline to what you want but keep in mind that your teens and twenties and even thirties are years of discovery so things are bound to ...

Major Love, Volume I

Hello my loves!! Today I want to talk about relationships. You know, love/romantic relationships. Aren't they fun?! Um, yeah!! Well, I believe that fun is one of the main requirements. The beginning of a relationship can be tricky. There's so much to much to feel. *Sigh* Today I wanted to focus on communication. Side note: I believe communication is VITAL, it can mean life OR death for a relationship. Alright, so communication is the key that will set the tone of the relationship. There is a real art to this communicating thing. Most times we don't know how to talk to one another to effectively communicate what we think or how we feel. I found this guideline to be very helpful to help me communicate or talk things out... 1. Only ONE person talks at a time. (No interrupting, can't hear the other person talk if you are) 2. Really listen to the person speaking, when they finish you say, "So, what I'm hearing you say is...". (This lets them know tha...

Mirror Mirror On the Wall...

Hey loves! Ever been in a situation where you thought, "Man, I'm tired of dealing with this same old situation, tired of getting angry about the same old things, I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired!" I believe we have all been there at some point in time. It would have been easier if the person/situation would just cooperate and do what I wanted them to do! (lol in a perfect world)There was this one time, I remember thinking, "This person is so stubborn, every time I suggest something they shoot it down...every time I try something different, there's always a complaint. Why can't they just see things from a different perspective?!" It wasn't until I came across this message, When God can't get you to look in the mirror at you, he'll send people in your life who mirror you, that my eyes were open like never before.    I was like, "Woah, I CAN'T be stubborn like so and so, I'm flexible, aren't I??"  I reali...

Could it be ME?!

Ever felt like, "I'm always arguing with so and so" or "Every time I get near her/him, I just get angry and can't control my attitude". I used to wonder why I was always "going off" on someone. Was I really THAT angry? Was I really telling it like it was? My excuse was always, " Oh, Honey, they NEEDED to be told! They were asking for it!" I later realized that I was just acting off of emotion and not being very wise. I came across a bible verse Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. I wanted to be wise! lol There are going to be times where we feel angry or upset and want to release those emotions by saying a lot of words. Whenever I feel that I am about to get to that point there are two steps that I take to help me to focus on the bigger picture 1. I take a deep breath and close my eyes ( may sound cliche' but it works, you'll see in later posts how important breathing is!) 2....

First Post Excitement!!

Hey loves!! I woke up one morning and decided to create a blog, lol, Well, it was really the realization that my Facebook posts were a little too long and too deep and random. I felt like I needed to find a different way to express my thoughts,feelings, etc. to the world. Since this is my first post, I 'll introduce myself... I'm La'Shon but my friends and loved ones call me Shonie. I like to think that I'm S assy. H onest. O ptimistic. N urturing. I nspiring.and E mpowering! See? SHONIE! Get it?! A few months ago, I began this journey, a journey of self-discovery. I wanted to get to know myself...really get to know myself. Working in the mental health field has opened my eyes to the reality of brokenness. Many are broken because of so many different factors (factors that I'll discuss in later posts). I decided that I wanted to do all that I could to take care of ME because taking care of yourself first, my friends, is the only way you'll be able to take care o...